for Owners and Handlers
When I received The Stallion, A Breeding Guide for Owners and Handlers, I opened it initially intending just to glance through the book. About eight chapters later I was still at my desk reading. Whether you are involved in the breeding business or not "The Stallion" is definitely worth adding to your equine library. In keep with McCall style, the book is highly entertaining. Yet although it is enjoyable to read, it is no less complex or detailed in content and provides endless insights into the behavior and psychology of the breeding stallion.
McCall's thirty years of experience in the horse business, combined with his enjoyable writing style and detailed exploration of the subject matter, make this a book an excellent reference and all-around good read!
Show Trail
"What makes McCall’s book so valuable is both the information covered and its readability. McCall shows the reader exactly what he is talking about in quite understandable terms, using photos, illustrations and examples drawn from his more than 35 years in the horse industry."
The Paint Horse Journal
" I wanted to thank-you again for putting together such a good book as "The Stallion" Over four years ago my husband and I bought this book after purchasing a five month old colt. We both read and referred to this book as Max grew up. It helped us in many ways. Max went to "breeding school" at The Woodland Stallion station at the beginning of January. They trained him to use the phantom. We were told that he was SO EASY to train the thought he had been bred before. We had done everything to Max that he would need for his breeding life, Washing him was a part of the routine, this from what I know now is the hardest part to get a young stallion over. Max was used to it and stood like a saint for them, much to their surprise. So I thank you again for your book that gave us insights to what he would have to do in the future, because the future started last month!
Ann & Jesse Torrez
PS. We had no prior stallion experience, your book was our bible.